Race & Equity Team

Race & Equity Team at Cascadia
Mission Statement
To inspire all staff to embrace a culturally competent approach to education and in their daily lives, through creating a welcoming environment, community outreach, and incorporating student voice. We hope to promote students of color to school-based leadership positions and give all students a voice.
Vision Statement
To empower students, teachers, and staff to be advocates for a more socially just future.
2019-2020 Action Plan
We intend to create a welcoming, inclusive environment and increase family and student voice in decision making and creating change. We intend to communicate our goals and actions more frequently and clearly with the larger community.
We will offer several parent education nights, work towards increasing parent participation through a survey and a co-design night. We will also provide the staff with ample quality resources to use for BLM and trauma informed teaching strategies. We will also start the practice of land acknowledgements at our meetings.
Cascadia’s Race and Equity Team Members
Sandra Mackey samackey@seattleschools.org
Merrick Bodmer msbodmer@seattleschools.org
Dina Clagg dsmcardle@seattleschools.org
Kaitlin Lawler kmlawler@seattleschools.org
Sarah Egger-Weiler saeggerweile@seattleschools.org
Camille Paul clpaul@seattleschools.org
Ashley Toney aetoney@seattleschools.org
Nathan Brown ntbrown@seattleschools.org
Parent representative – Ivan Gonzalez inclusion@cascadiapta.org