Cascadia Elementary

Student Family Portal
Cascadia Elementary School


Cascadia Elementary School


Cascadia is a Highly Capable Cohort (HCC) serving the needs of students in grades 2-5, who are academically highly capable. We have moved to our new building in the Licton Springs neighborhood.

Vision and Values Statement

Cascadia inspires advanced learners to be independent thinkers who utilize their peers, teachers, and surrounding resources in their pursuit of learning. Teachers facilitate creative problem solving through a project based learning model with a focus on environmental stewardship and our local and global communities.

We provide a stimulating and culturally enriching experience through a rigorous curriculum that integrates technology, science, and the arts. Our goal is to instill a life-long passion for learning in an emotionally supportive environment that will enable students to contribute their wisdom, compassion, and leadership in a rapidly changing world.

Professional Commitments

Our teachers continue to grow professionally and value professional development as an essential part of their professional lives.  Working collaboratively we design and implement engaging curriculum that is academically rigorous and meets the needs of complex thinkers

We are committed to providing service learning opportunities to empower students to become involved in the local community and become activists.

Our beliefs:

  • The development of social-emotional and life skills is as important as the development of academic skills.
  • Children benefit from being a part of a school community in which cultural, academic and social diversity is valued and respected.
  • Advanced learners excel when they are given the opportunity to pose meaningful questions and support their conclusions through evidence based research.

Student Beliefs about HCC:

  • “Students respect one another’s differences”
  • “I can learn and be prepared for my life ahead of me”
  • “Nobody gets left out and each day brings a new and exciting adventure”
  • “I am accepted for who I am”
  • “Everyone is appreciated and no one is underestimated”
  • “I feel like I can be free with my ideas because we have so many fun and creative activities”
  • “Teachers help us with the things we struggle with and challenge us to step an inch out of our comfort zone”